Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Download Copyfilename31.exe

We are hardly trying to provide authentic service to our visitors according to their desires. Now we are introducing a software which is helpful for official workers who have problem in finding their files which are located in their Computers.'

Free Download

This software name is “ Copy Filename “ and it a new version of it. This software is help to find ur desire files in a simple way. If u have a number of files in ur computer u simply go to a folder select all files and Right click to your Mouse and an option is shown in the box ” Copying Filesname” simply select that option and open a new “ Word file or an Excel Sheet” and paste the copy material on it. This is simple and easier to find our files and it would take maximum 1 minute to doing that. We are hope that you can gain more help from this software“ Copy Filename “ and please inform us to your problem and give us best ideas.

Monday, February 14, 2011

PDF Password Cracker

                                                                                 Free Download
Has this ever happened to you -- you have a PDF document with security on it. When you effort to open or modify your PDF document, you realize that you've forgotten the password. What can you do? Short of using supernatural powers, there's not a whole lot you can do -- until now! With the PDF Password Cracker 2.0, you can crack the code and right to use your document in mere moments.
The good news is you have options, but the bad news is they engross buying software. unhappily it does take stylish software to get rid of a password on PDF. But before we get into the software options, let's talk for a minute about PDF files.                                 
With this amazing software program, you can instantaneously remove the security on any PDF document. It's important to understand that this program only works with standard PDF documents and will not work on plug-ins or ebooks. Also, make sure you are sanctioned to remove the security on a PDF file before doing so. Not only can this software remove the security, it can decrypt files that you know the passwords for. Please note that this program will not work on PDF files that have user-level passwords or PDF files protected by a third party security system such as FileOpen.
Downloading this software is fast and easy. Once you purchase this software program using your credit card, you get to use it immediately. If you need customer support, there are legislative body ready to help you via email. Not that it's likely -- this software is so simple and straightforward to use, even a computer novice can do it. You might be wondering how much software of this magnitude will cost you. That's an implausible value for a program this useful and powerful!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 with keys


Kaspersky | More programs

License / Price: 

Updater / FREE

Size / OS: 

22.4 MB / Windows All 

Last Updated: 

February 4th, 2011 


C: \ Others \ Signatures/Updates